Looking back on 100 years

In 2006 (100 years since establishment), we had our best sales amount that showed a remarkable increase of more than 40% at a blow, compared with the existing sales, in our settlement declaration.
In addition, as to the declared income, we surely made a tax payment to carry out our mission as a good declaration company. We hereby thank you so much to everyone.
Looking back on HAMADA’s history of 100 years, in building the plants of Nippon Celluloid Artificial Silk Co., Ltd., Mr. Tohji Boda, HAMADA’s founder and young first
president, recruited young people in Hamada Area, and set up an organization “HAMADA GUMI” (a forerunner of HAMADA Co., Ltd.).
Tohji Boda’s HAMADA GUMI enjoyed prosperity, before the war, in the factory labor and transporting business with coast vessels. He had an unassuming personality and was religious, thus ensuring a navigation worshiping and donating money to the major shrines without fail.
In addition, I still remember well about my grandfather, Tohji Boda, that he was leading the line of close villagers to the shrine in the fall festival’s dedication ceremony in my childhood.
Then, our second president, Mr. Takeo Boda, was an active person. In the industry under remarkable construction after the war, he often visited the plant sites (currently Japanese leading companies) and was very busy in the construction work in each area.
He introduced new equipment and technologies and built up the foundation of our company.
Unfortunately he passed away suddenly, however, our third president, Mr. Jiro Boda, and executive director, Mr. Norihiko Boda, intended to reinforce the in-house system steadily, and it was exactly taken over.
Meanwhile, young management staffs acquired professional skills and now has grown up to be the personnel who lead our company.
In 2002, Mr. Hachiro Boda took over the post of our fourth president.
Then, Mr. Akihiro Maruo as our fifth president, took over continuously, and at present I myself, Taisuke Boda, has taken over the post as a sixth president.
We HAMADA now has more than 300 employees, various materials and factory equipment, vehicles and facilities such as warehouse, etc. Furthermore, with proud weapons of strong financial power, correspondent banks’ trust to us and fulfilling sales capabilities, we would like to set out for further development as a company.
Lastly, I would like to ask for your continuous support in the years to come, hopefully for the next 100 years.
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